Happy Feel Your Feelings January, gang! How ya doing, are you ok? Me neither, but we're going to get through this together and emerge from the ashes as beautiful butterflies. On today's episode:
A fancy few fuckbois
Kettlebells for girls?! Meow.
Turns out when I don't smoke weed, I cry, cry cry.
A stuck step-daughter
and a reading of Chapter One from the book that punches me in the soul every time I pick it up, The Tao of Fully Feeling by Pete Walker.
I want to assemble a montage of you telling me something about your childhood that wasn't so sweet, in an effort to feel less alone about this shit. If you're interested, send a voice memo to: TheVoicesInOurHeadsPodcast@gmail.com
Click HERE for the Feel Your Feelings January Playlist on Spotify
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